Course Enrollment Guidelines for 2025 Spring Semester



* According to Anti-graft law implemented in September 2016, any personal requests for additional course enrollment are considered illegal. Therefore, course enrollment via personal approval from professors is not allowed from 2017-1st semester. Please register your courses with prudence using mileage-betting system.

** From 2021 Spring semester, students can allocate up to 12 mileage points for UIC seminar courses(courses with  codes that start with UIC35(XX) and UIC36(XX)).

*** In principle, the children of professors currently employed by the university will be prohibited from taking courses taught by their parents. Despite the above statement, if there are inevitable reasons for taking his/her parent’s class, then the professor must in advance report to and obtain approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs by contacting their Dean and the Director of the Department.


  1. Enrollment for UIC-first courses : Feb 5 11:00 A.M. ~  Feb 6 11:00 A.M.

 - UIC sophomores, juniors and seniors may apply for UIC-first courses.
 - Students must enroll for the UIC-FIRST courses on the Yonsei Portal System ( from Feb 5 11:00AM. 

 - Four times the credits of UIC-FIRST course will be automatically deducted from the total mileage of the student. Hence, students who took advantage of this policy will have reduced mileage during course enrollment period. 

- If you enroll in courses that are not eligible for UIC-FIRST application, they will be deleted without prior notice. 


 2. Important Dates





UIC First Course Enrollment

2025.2.5. 11:00 ~ 2.6. 11:00

Mileage System

Must apply through Yonsei Portal System UIC FIRST courses only 

Course Enrollment for Sophomore and above

2025.2.12. 09:00 ~ 2.13. 17:00

Mileage System

Time of enrollment not important(24 hours during the period) Including students (sophomore and above) approved for return during 1.13. ~2.11.

Returning Students

2025.2.13. 09:00 ~ 17:00

 Students approved for return on 2.12. (sophomore and above)

View Results for Course Enrollment

2025.2.14. 16:00 ~



Additional Course Enrollment

2025.2.17. 09:00 ~ 2.18. 17:00

Wait List System

Setting the waiting list by priority according to the result of enrollment period

Course Enrollment for Freshmen(1st Year)

2025.2.25. 09:00 ~ 17:00

Including freshmen students approved for return

Returning Students

2025.2.27. 09:00 ~ 17:00

Students approved for return during 2.13. ~ 2.24.

Course Add & Drop

2025.3.6. 08:00 ~ 3.10. 17:00 (Log-in from 07:00)

The existing waiting number will be initialized. Waiting numbers are given on the first-come first-serve basis.


3. Major declaration results will be updated on the Yonsei Portal as of  March 1, 2025.

Students will be accepted to the majors for which they applied during the major application according to their admissions tracks. Therefore, students may enroll for major courses based on their major declaration.

4.  UIC Seminar courses have course codes that start with UIC35(XX) and UIC36(XX). From 2021 Spring semester, students can allocate up to 12 mileage points for UIC seminar courses.

5. Course Catalogue: > Course Catalogue and Syllabus: Undergraduate & Graduate
* Course Search Tips for Freshmen - Common Curriculum Courses: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > Common Curriculum (International Campus) from the drop down boxes and then click on 'Search' to view the course listings.

- Introduction to Major Courses: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > Common Curriculum (International Campus) from the drop down boxes and then click on 'Search' to view the course listings. Courses include CLC1002 Introduction to Cultural Studies (CLC), ECO1001 Introduction to Economics (ECON), ISM1001 Introduction to International Studies (IS),  POL1002 Introduction to Political Science (PSIR), MAT1001~1002 Calculus and Vector Analysis 1&2, PHY1001~1002 General Physics and Lab 1&2, CHE1001~1002 General Chemistry and Lab 1&2, BIO1001~1002 General Biology and Lab 1&2.

- Asian Studies Division (Freshman): Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ASD-Asian Studies from the drop down boxes and then click on 'Search' to view the course listings.

- Techno-Art Division (Freshman):   Culture and Design Management Major Courses: Choose Undergraduate Programs >  Underwood International College > TAD-Culture and Design Management   Information and Interaction Design Major Courses: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > TAD-Information and Interaction Design   Creative Technology and Management Major Courses: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > TAD-Creative Technology & Management

- Integrated Social Sciences Division (Freshman):   Justice and Civil Leadership: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISSD-Justice and Civil Leadership   Quantitative Risk Management: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISSD-Quantitative Risk Management  Science, Technology, and Policy: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISSD-Science, Technology, and Policy   Sustainable Development and Cooperation: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISSD-Sustainable Development and Cooperation

- Integrated Science and Engineering Division (Freshman):  Nano Science and Engineering: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISED-Nano Science and Engineering   Energy & Environmental Science and Engineering: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISED-Energy & Environmental Science and Engineering   Bio-Convergence: Choose Undergraduate Programs > Underwood International College > ISED-Bio-Convergence

- Residential Education: Choose Undergraduate Programs > International Campus(2019~) > Basic Education-SE, Basic Education-RC 101 respectively for Social Engagement and RC 101 courses and then click on the magnifying glass to view the Residential Education course listings.      

** Course information is subject to change. Please check Yonsei Portal for the most up-to-date information.

6. Only seniors with a CGPA of 3.7(A-) and above are qualified to enroll in the UIC Senior Thesis course. Students taking UIC4801 Senior Thesis must enroll for the course through the Yonsei Portal system during the course registration period AND submit the attached form as an assignment submission on LearnUs by the last day of the add/drop period. 

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain permission from an advisor in advance who will agree to supervise them throughout the semester. Eligible advisors are full-time faculty (including lecturers) who currently teach or have taught courses at UIC. 

The thesis must be a written document presenting the results of the student's independent and original research on a focused topic (not co-authored with advisors, other professors, students, etc.).  As a general guideline, theses have varied from 20 to 40 pages in length. The professor advising each individual senior thesis should decide what format and grading criteria are most appropriate for that academic field, discipline and topic. She/he should guide the student in planning and writing a thesis in that format, grade the final thesis according to those criteria, and send the final letter grade to the Common Curriculum Chair by the end of the final exam period. Students must also upload  a copy of their senior thesis on LearnUs. The CC chair will then submit the final grade on the portal. This course is graded (not Pass/Fail).


Underwood International College


UD: 02-2123-3925 / HASS: 032-749-3761 / ISE: 032-749-3801
- CC Courses: 032-749-3705