[Graduate School- Dept. of Innovation and Dept. of Innovative Science and Engineering]


* According to Anti-graft law implemented in September 2016, any personal requests for additional course enrollment are considered illegal. Therefore, course enrollment via personal approval from professors is not allowed from 2017-1st semester.

1. Registration Period for New/Current Students
2025. 2. 12.(Wed.) ∼ 2. 18.(Tue.) (10:00 ~ 23:59, Login starts from 9:00)

2. Add / Drop Period (Graduate and Supplementary Courses)
2025. 3. 6.(Thu.) ~ 3. 10.(Mon.) (10:00 ~ 23:59, Login starts from 9:00)

3. Course Selection -  Course Catalog Syllabus
A. Course Catalog and Syllabus
You can browse our course catalog and view syllabi on Yonsei Portal Service (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr)
- Yonsei Service→ Course Catalog and Syllabus
-Academic Information System → Login → Academic Information → Courses → Course
1) Changes to Courses: Changes made to the timetable during the registration period will be marked in blue.
2) Syllabus: Click on the [Plan] icon next to the course title to read the course syllabus.

B. Important
-YSG6003 Research Ethics(KOR), YSG6004 Research Ethics(ENG)
All students in our department must take the Research Ethics course. You may find the course under the Graduate School - Common Curriculum.  Research Ethics Course in English has been newly established for the convenience of students. You can take the Research Ethics course in the language you feel more comfortable with, regardless of whether you are a domestic or international student. No grading(P/N), No credit.

- Directed Research Course (Non-credit)
Under Article 2 of the Graduate School Thesis Regulations and Policies (submission requirements), students whose proposal has been accepted (or will be accepted in the upcoming semester) must enroll in Directed Research courses. Directed Research courses will be automatically included in your enrollment. Please check whether you are properly enrolled in the course during the registration period.
- Master's students: DIRECTED RESEARCH 1
- Doctoral/Joint: DIRECTED RESEARCH 2
*Following students will need to submit a separate request form to be able to take this course.
1) Students in the 3rd semester of their Bachelor's and Master's accelerated program.
2) Returning/Re-admitted students.


Please find the attached 2025-1 Course Registration Guidelines (ENG/KOR) for more information.